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Cyber Security Awareness Training

Companies usually consist of many individuals working in a team which is a huge strength. However, from a cyber safety perspective it is a weakness. Research shows that humans can be the weakest link and may expose valuable information.

The only way to strengthen your company’s weakest link is to train people across the company. We provide ongoing Safety Awareness Training which involves simulated attacks and easy to understand evaluations.

We safeguard your digital life so you can be cyber smart.


Cyber Safety Training

With the Defentry Cyber Safety Training you can train your remote workforce with automated security exercises. This will ensure the level of knowledge and awareness within the organisation is raised on an individual level. As the collective gets more cyber-smart, your overall protection will be stronger no matter where your workforce is located.


Simulated attacks

Modern phishing attacks are refined so it’s easy for an employee to fall victim to them. With our gamified simulated attacks, we can educate your workforce to spot suspicious emails. This will give them the confidence and knowledge to recognise and avoid dangerous emails.


Cyber security dashboard

Our well developed and advanced algorithm includes response results from simulated attacks, planned exercises and complete micro training. Our algorithm compiles and evaluates results and presents them in an easy to understand dashboard, so that you can get a better overview of your employees’ levels of knowledge and awareness.


Request a demo with one of our experts